We pan to the Night King’s throne room. He sits casually on his stone throne. Although his silhouette is obscured by the shadows his glowing red eyes pierce past the darkness.

A floating skull, makes its way into the room. It does its best to bow and then begins

SKULL: My Lord, T.Blade has entered the Castle and he’s on his way to the throne room.

We see the knight king crush the pommels on the armrests of his throne.

NIGHT KING: Summon the Horde, this ends tonight.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Oh dear. I smell trouble.

What are they scheming now?


We rejoin Turmoil after a commercial break and are greeted by The Villain himself, Jeremiah Tully. He clutches his red towel in both hands which is draped around his neck, offering a confident smile, serenading the audience with his Southern drawl.

If you asketh, the good lord giveth. I stated my intentions and now I have a chance to make good on them.

Jeremiah whips the towel off of one hand, cracking it like a bull whip in the air.

Wrex, you walnut. Everyone is talking about you, praising you, building you up… That's fine, you're a young buck with a long run ahead of him but you're just not savvy enough, all the parts with no smarts if you will…

He shrugs.

And you're Scottish.

Jeremiah screws his face up before spitting out tobacco juice.

I'm not too bright when it comes to geography but isn't that one of them third world countries that needs to be bailed out by Old Glory?

Tully pauses.

Just remember kid, to invest in the future you have to take stock of the past. Give me a moment of a chance and I'm dropping you on that stack of dimes you call a neck. See you in the ring, punk.


The camera pans to the announce team.

Could this be Tully's night?

Bray takes on Jett Draven and it's next.


It's a Match!



Jett Draven

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The camera pans to the announce team.

He did it.

He sure did.



A peaceful dusk was setting upon the Gothic mansion of Jacob Trance. The wind bristled softly through the trees and the sun began to sink away while the moon began to wink awake. Leaves scattered the ground to complete the eeiry sight. A far prick of light showed that a vehicle was slowly making its way up the driveway.

A blood red suv scattered the leaves as it wove its way up the house. The suv stopped short and pulled off to one side just of the main drive. Out stepped a hooded figure that surveyed the house before closing the door gently.

No one from the house seemed to notice. No lights were on and the yard light was only starting to flicker to life. The hooded figure took a brisk pace to the house while searching left and right but apparently they didn't see anything to worry them and they continued.


The hooded figure stopped and spun their head around to search for the noise. But nothing was there.

Hooded figure: Hello?

When no voice answered the mysterious person turned back and continued to the house.




They turned too late. Someone tackled them from behind. A furious scrum ensued but in the end they found themselves pinned looking up into the painted face of Loki. Loki was equally surprised. The hood of his victim had fallen down to reveal a petite, black haired girl. Her face was contorted into a fierce glare.

Loki: Emissary of Satan! How dare you!

Girl: What the hell are you doing here!

Loki: Did you think I’d leave Trance unsupervised? No, I told him he may not touch himself for a week! But I don’t trust him! Not after that stunt he pulled last week! But that’s the last thing he pulled this week!

Girl: What the hell are you talking about?

Loki: Don’t play coy...sending a women to do a man’s job...I know Trance is crafty.

Loki looks down at her chest. Back to her eyes. Back to her chest.

Loki: Want to get some coffee?

The pinned girl furiously kicked and screamed: Jacob! Jacob!

Loki jumped off: Ok. Ok. Ok. It was just a question...anyways, yes, Trance! Let’s get Trance out here so you can apologize for being a horrible Satan worshiping “massage therapist”.

Girl: Huh?

Loki: No choking the chicken!

Girl: Excuse me?

Loki: No fiddling the ferret!

Girl: Come again?

Loki saw the low hanging fruit and could not resist:....That’s what she said!

Girl: JACOB!

A light burst into light downstairs and the front door opened. Trance stepped out looking confused.

Girl: Jake! What the hell is this!

Trance stares, looking at the woman and then to Loki.

That… Melissa… Is Loki… He clearly suffers from short term memory loss Loki… Could you please explain why my wife is screaming my name..

Loki saw the low hanging fruit again and could not resist: Mr. Bean! If you know what I mean!

Trance: Simple question. Why is my wife screaming my name? She made you breakfast yesterday…

He’s crazy, I want him away from our house!

Jacob sighs.

Trance: I’ve kicked him out about six times, and he hold my contract… I don’t understand how he keeps getting back in, so I just gave up… Loki, please apologise to my wife.

Loki narrows his eyes.

Loki: Melissa…NO! You are trying to release the KRAKEN! And since you can’t do it yourself, you want this poor, underprivileged, working girl to do it for you!

Loki points to Melissa who has now made it to the door of the house, face palming a the entire situation as she heads inside.

Loki: She’s preparing the escape pod!

Melissa screams from inside, slamming the door:
I’m going to have a shower you creepy little bastard! It’s late! I want to sleep!

Loki looks at Trance sheepishly: How much?

Trance:...Get in the car, we have matches to get to.



The camera pans to the announce team.

These guys always turn up late.

This is just unacceptable behaviour.









