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#Austin Lee and Sid Harrison pace in a circle around the ring surveying the crowd as they greet them with a “You Suck” chant directed at the #Marvelous one. #Austin stands in the middle of the ring raising his hand into the air as the ring crew responds by throwing him a microphone, as he catches it without looking. Sid taking this opportunity to roll out of the ring, walking over to the announce table as he stands next to Randy Rice. Sid just looking down at Rice as Rice tries to not look over at Sid Harrison. A smile growing across Sids face as he snatches Randy up and steals his chair and effortlessly hurls it into the ring where it miraculous lands wheels down and rolls into the middle of the ring.

#Austin response with a #golf clap as the chair lands perfectly in the ring. Sid not done yet snatches a microphone for himself and throws it to #Austin. Catching #Austin off guard but somehow catches the second microphone, Sid makes his way back towards the ring as he reaches under the ring pulling out a cooler sliding It next to his chair as he returns to the center with #Austin.

Sid reaches into the cooler as he pulls a beer out and gives #Austin a fist bump and takes the second microphone from #Austin and sits down putting his feet up on the cooler. Holding his microphone next to the beer top and cracks it open as he nods to #Austin to begin. #Austin raises his microphone to his mouth but pauses as the crowd grows
louder with a “You Suck” chant.

#Austin Lee: Silence…..Silence……Silence…..

The crowd continues to grow louder as #Austin tries to hush them. Sid finishes his first beer and stand up from his chair and throws it at the front row hitting the barricade as the crowd quickly stops the chant.

Sid Harrison: *Sitting back down opening another beer* Educate these fools #Austin.

#Austin Lee: You Mindless… Stupid…. Pathetic…. Spineless…. Idiotic… Sheep…. You all should be ashamed of yourself for your treatment of #Influence. You all flocked together and turned on us when we stood up to that disgrace of a formal world champion we have.

#Austin Lee: You all cheered and celebrated Jackson when destroyed Sid with a chair after Sid reminded the world who the hell he was and demolished him inside this ring. But yet when I take it into my own hands and #wrecked him in the middle of this ring, and pick up a sledge hammer and crash it over his skulls you all flock together and boo me….

#Austin Lee: You know why you all boo us because you all have been programed to, by those fools in the back who look at guys like Sid Harrison and myself and know they can not control us. They see me and know I have a successful career in Hollywood and as for my big buddy right here…

#Austin points back to Sid who has just finished another beer throwing it towards the announcers table and cracks open another one.

#Austin Lee: My thoughts exactly big buddy we are two men who are both a cut above the rest. But yet they stay in the ear of those two fat sheep at the table over there, they push cheap over priced shirts at these idiots who run out and buy a new shirt every month, so they can fit in with the other stupid idiots who live in their parents basements.

#Austin looks out into the crowd surveying it as he leans in the ropes.

#Austin Lee: You flock to buy the Purge shirt thinking if you rest your life upset the establishment you will become something. You purchase a Skawd shirt to make you feel like your have someone in your life other in your parents who you claim never understood you because how useless you truly are.

#Austin Lee: or you reach up and pull down your rev Inc. shirt, blowing the dust off as you realize it doesn’t fit your fat disgusting body as your past your prime.

#Austin Lee: Then it comes time for you to accept the reality of what you need to become, you raise your hand high in the air and refuse to be just another sheep in the flock. You step forward and open your eyes to the true #Influence you need in your life.

#Austin Lee: Then #Influence of #Marvelous Austin Lee and The #Greek God Sid Harrison and ladies and gentlemen heed the words I say raise your hand up high and give into the #Influence..

Sid Harrison walks up leaning on the ropes next to #Austin taking the last gulp of his beer and throwing it again. #Influence both raising their hands into the air.

Sid Harrison: Be the #Influence this world needs or pray for mercy when the #Influence is upon you…

#Austin reaching his hand out towards the camera as the screen fades to black.



The camera pans to the announce team.

I remember when the fans loved Influence but now they hate them.

I like the new Influence Tom.


The X-Tron flickers on and we see the two clowns, Corey Ford and Little L lurking in the locker room area. The pair are laughing like hyenas.

Corey Ford:
Haha, did you see what that stupid Scottish idiot did to Madison's limo and those two Vietnamese fishermen?

Little L: Yeah, it was awesome, he totally thinks the G-club torched his car. Ahh, such beautiful chaos…

Corey Ford: Say, you don't think he'll find out it was us, do ya?

Little L scoffs: Relax, how the hell would he ever know?

Corey Ford: Yeah, you're right…

The locker room door opens and in walks, none other than Seb Abbott, he's holding a very expensive looking bottle of whisky. The clowns stop laughing and stare sullenly at Seb.

Oh, it's you two…

Seb pauses for a moment before continuing

I don't suppose you've seen Joe Zhivago? I got him a little present - just wanted to make things right, you know, offer him an olive branch so to speak.

Seb grins, pleased with himself, apparently forgetting who he's talking to. The clowns continue to stare at him wordlessly. Seb stops grinning.

Whatever, I should have known you'd be no help… Stupid clowns.

Seb leaves, slamming the door behind him. Little L and Corey look at each other and simultaneously burst into laughter.

The door bursts open again and in walks Vincent Winters, accompanied by Pyra.

Vincent Winters:
What are you two clowns laughing at?

The clowns jump to attention at the sight of Vincent.

Vincent Winter:
It's Bubba Mitchell's feeding time and you know what he's like when he hasn't eaten. Now hurry up!

L and Corey hightail it out of the locker room like scolded children to resume their “chores”. The camera fades…

The camera pans to the announce team.

Those guys, anyway Malu is in action next as he now fights one half of the tag team champions... Loki in singles action.

Not the match I wanted to see but it will have to do.


It's a Match!



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The camera pans to the announce team.

It might have not been the match you or the fans wanted, but it was still a good one.

Whatever you say...



The Diamond is seen walking around backstage when Jim Black walks up to him to try and get a word with him.

Jim Black:
Diamond, you were in control for a large part of the match but came up short in the end. Talk us through what happened tonight?

The Diamond: That’s MR. Diamond to you. I’ll tell you what happened. SHAM, that's what happened.

Jim Black: What do you me...

The Diamond: Don't interrupt, son. That’s a very bad habit. That being said, I think it pretty obvious. You see, from day one, this company has tried to keep me down. I mean think about it. I’ve been here every week but how many of my matches have ever been televised, and do you know why?

Jim Black: I’m not sur...

The Diamond: I just told you not to interrupt. It’s because SHAM, that’s why. Last time, it was the fast count when I was being pinned, SHAM. This time it’s a slow count when i was pinning that Melvin, SHAM, and now you keep interrupting me.

Jim Black: I didn’t mean...

The Diamond: SHAM! Well this all ends next week. I met someone today that offered to help me get everything I deserve, I think it’s about time I give them a call.

The Diamond walks away and is seen trying to push through a door marked “pull”

Jim Black:
Uhh, sir… You have to pull.

The Diamond stops pushing and pulls on the door to open it and then walks through it.

The Diamond:


The camera pans to the announce team.

Jim Black deserves some respect.

Damn right!

The scent of fish and windex permeate the air, a lot of noise, some of it utter gibberish, emanate from a door marked “Gentlemans Club.” Inside, Gentleman Jack is dancing with a topless Vietnamese fisherman whilst holding a huge bottle of gin in one hand and a Brazzers magazine in the other.

The Vietnamese man is stinking drunk but his mood goes from jovial to fearful in the blink of an eye. He picks up his fishing tackle and runs into the bathroom looking the door behind him.

I didn’t drop napalm you know!

Jack turns, met with both members of the 5% Nation. The bottle of gin falls from his hands as he raises them to defend himself. Supreme Allah strikes first, swiftly kicking Jack in the family jewels, sending him to the floor in a crumpled heap. Nakim moves in now, dropping a knee on the prone figure of the silver tongued Jack. He doesn't get up though, keeping it there to hold him in place.

Supreme Allah:
Yet more exploitation and extortion of your better man… You people don't seem to get it or is it more that you just don't want to get it? You'd prefer to be wrapped up in your privileged little bubble.

Jack opens his mouth, presumably to slay the 5% Nation with one of his famous one liners, but he's caught off guard with a swift punch to the nose from Nakim Ali, cutting him off.

Supreme Allah:
Not tonight chalk face, your hate mongering is over with. Nakim, show him what we found.

At that, Nakim begins searching in his pockets, pulling out a piece of paper. On it appears to be a print out from an Internet forum.

Nakim Ali:
Do you think this is acceptable? Do you think the good Lord accepts you spreading this toxicity across the world?

Supreme Allah: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you… Do. Unto others. As you would have them… Do. Unto. You.

Nakim Ali: Too many blacks… Too many blacks, really? That is a hate crime, that is everything that is wrong with this once great nation… You… Jack… Are conspiring to Make America Hate Again!

Supreme Allah: Let us enlighten you and your little club as to exactly what there are too many of… There are too many Caucasians walking this earth with a false sense of entitlement, with a false sense of privilege. The Good Lord has not been made in your image. The Good Lord is made in OUR image, he speaks OUR language. It just so happens that you persecuted and chained us long enough to make yourself believe your own lies… Nakim, let's leave this fool to try and think for himself instead of thinking only what his daddy taught him to think.

Nakim removes the pressure slowly from Jack’s head but not before scrunching up the print out and jamming it into his mouth and forcing it shut.

Nakim Ali:
It’s painful to eat your own words, isn't it Jack?

Nakim pats Jack patronisingly on the top of his head as he gets to his feet.

Nakim Ali:
Don't worry that pretty little skull of yours… You'll be hearing from our representatives soon.

The 5% Nation adjust their jackets and leave the scene just as the Vietnamese fisherman comes out of hiding to check on Jack.The Gentleman slowly collects himself on the floor before speaking.

So I guess this means I'm not invited to Kwanzaa?

Jack spits out a little blood as one of his Viet Cong friends hands him a new bottle of gin.



The camera pans to the announce team.

Poor Jack. The 5% nation have got it coming.

They are what's wrong with society.

Up next, Randy's favourite Sophia is in action as she takes on Pyra.

Hell yes...

It's a Match!



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The camera pans to the announce team.

What was that?

I hope she's ok after that.


A rabid bunch of fans are gathered near the parking garage in anticipation. The camera closes in on the lucky people and they respond in waves of cheers and shouts. One of the fans points behind the cameraman in a frenzy.

Fan: Look look look! It’s ah… um, what’s her name. Allie?

Ace: It’s ACE, asshole!

The fan seems a bit taken aback by the comment and gives her the finger. Ace responds with a firm smile. Another fan, a woman, directs her attention towards Ace.

Female Fan: Hey Ace, do I turn you on!?

Instead of responding, Ace immediately blushes and turns away from the fan. She begins to make her way towards the backstage area when she feels a sudden buzz in her front pocket.

Female Fan: Look! I do!

Angered, Ace reaches for her phone out of her pocket. After being hesitant after seeing who is trying to call her, she eventually answers.

Ace: Hey Mama…. Nothin much, just getting to the arena…. Yes I know what Bray said and…. I mean, you know how he is!

Fan: A crying sociopath?

Ace: You're gonna be f***in worse if you say one more f***in word to me you-.... No no no not you Mama!

Ace marches away from the rabid fans and continues her conversation with her mother through the backstage area.

Ace: No, Weekly Greek Jer-... Sorry just Weekly Greek even though Jericho is an actual name and I don’t want to get censored… Yes I know we haven’t wrestled recently… I mean, I don’t know why we’re not wrestling tonight. I even got this new gear made and everything. It’s like.. What?… [sighs] Alright, I’ll talk to him…. Got it. Talk to you later Mama…. Love you too.

She puts her phone in her pocket and grabs a nearby staff member by the arm.

Ace: You seen Ali?

The staff member directs her to Bray’s locker room. She creeps in the doorway and sees her brother with his face buried in his hands.

Ace: Ali, you good?


The attorney cocks her head to the side.

Ace: Silent treatment again, huh? Not falling for it.


Ace’s grin increases as she shakes her head rapidly.

Ace: Nope, nope, not falling for it.

Bray remains silent, which diminishes Ace’s smile. She un-cocks her head and takes a deep breath.

Okay dammit, I give. What’s your deal?


Ace:... Ali?

Bray turns away from his sister and continues his cold gaze.

Is it because nobody wished you a happy birthday?


Ace: …Braylin, Mama told me to talk to you about what happened. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.


Ace: *Grunts* Would you stop acting like you’re some kinda god damn… silent like motherf***er or whatever? You not quiet, B! Now why won’t you talk to me!?


A knock is heard at the door and Ace stomps her way to open it. She swings it open much to the surprise of Stacy Clark, who nearly drops her microphone.

Stacy Clark: Bray, a moment?


Ace shoves Stacy out of the locker room and slams the door in front of her. Over her shoulder, Bray feigns a faint smile.

Ace: *Sighs* Is there anything I can do to help?...


Ace: Wanna do a Weekly Greek..... Jericho tonight?


Ace’s face begins to writhe with anger and she steps away from Bray. After seconds of anticipation, Ace gives him a swift swat to the face.


Nothing. Ace’s face changes from one of anger to one of distress and she departs the locker room. Seconds after her departure, Bray turns on his phone and begins to play Papa Roach's Last Resort. As the song plays, he looks at his mirror and puts a hand on his face-paint. He begins to sporadically mouth the lyrics.

*Mouthing.* Don't give a f*** if I cut my arm bleeding.........

Bray: *Mouthing* And I'm contemplating suicide........

He continues to feel on the cold exterior of his face-paint as a single tear runs down his face.


The camera pans to the announce team.

I think Dr Phil needs to pay Bray a visit.

Suicide is for SISSY'S!









