OCWFED.com Presents Riot



After the main event match reaches its conclusion the camera pans up to the top of the ramp where The Blacklist emerge from behind the curtain followed by Your World Heavyweight Champion as the crowd launches boo's every-which way. Cody has a pen in one hand and his contract in the other.

Wheeler and Jonny D each take a side of the ring making sure to trap Frost on the inside.

Tobin keeps his head on a swivel keeping track of both men, but after the match he was just in it's clear to everyone that he has no chance at defending himself against these odds.

Just as Cody reaches the ring The Blacklist slide in. Tobin manages to land a right hand on Jonny D as he gets to his feet, but before he can get anymore offense in Wheeler clubs him in the back. They raise Tobin to his feet and bat him back and forth with fists.

Cody takes his time ascending the steel ring steps as the beating inside the ring continues.

He climbs in between the ropes and nods his head towards The Blacklist. Upon his signal they grab Tobin by the arms and drag him to the side of the ring where they tie him up in the ropes by his arms as Cody retrieves a microphone.

Cody Storm:
"You thought you were hot shit last week, huh Frost?! Thought you'd enlist a mother to tear down her sons spirit right before the biggest night of his life? Thought you could rattle me and pick up the easy victory over me?"

Cody Storm: "YOU'RE PATHETIC FROST! You claim to take the highroad. You're the hardworker who has earned everything he's gotten and then some by the sweat of his brow. I call bullshit!"

Cody Storm: "You proved last week that you can't be trusted to play fair! If you'll stoop to such tactics, I have no faith that you won't try to take me out before 'Lution and that's why you're going to sign this contract and if you even lay a finger on me between tonight and our match not only will you lose your shot at this belt YOU WILL LOSE YOUR LIFE I SWEAR IT!"

Cody struggles to stuff the pen he's carrying into one of Tobin's balled up fists. He motions Wheeler over to use his back as a writing surface.

Cody Storm:
"Sign the contract Frost!"

With what little control Tobin has of his wrist he manages to throw the pen out of the ring. The crowd starts going nuts at this act of defiance as Cody looks away in frustration. Jonny goes to retrieve the pen.

Cody Storm:

D stops in his tracks as Cody boots Tobin in the abdomen. The force would normally cause Tobin to double over, but being restrained he has to endure it standing up. Vicious smirks filled with bad intentions find their way across the faces of The Blacklist as they cue into the game plan. They go back to beating on Tobin throwing measured shots all over his midsection. Cody gets between them to back them up.

He takes a few steps back himself and then rears back coming forward with a massive right hand to Tobin's temple. He repeats himself, and then as if gaining energy and purpose with every shot he proceeds to reign down a barrage of lefts and rights all over Tobin's face and forehead. By this point the crowd has realized that no amount of screaming is going to help the fan favorite in the least.

When Cody's finally out of breath he steps back to take a look at his handiwork. Tobin has gone completely limp, being held up only by the tension of the ring ropes, and a fairly large cut has opened up across the top of his forehead.

Cody orders The Blacklist to untie Tobin. He falls to the mat face down. Cody kicks him in the gut and the force of the kick turns Tobin over onto his back. By this point his entire face is covered in blood. By this point security and medical staffers are trying to get in the ring but The Blacklist keeps them at bay.

Cody bends down on a knee and grabs Tobin by the wrist. He drags Tobin's hand through the blood coming down face and then presses it to the signature line of the contract. He stands back up holding out the contract for the crowd and the cameras to see and then he throws it back down upon Tobin.

Cody throws his arms out mimicking the cross as The Blacklist stand on either side and the medical staff finally gets to Tobin.










